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Macro Grids

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Energy Macro Grids play a critical role in addressing the energy challenges faced by local commercial and industrial complexes today. At Theron Technologies, we are committed to comprehensive planning aimed at establishing local macro energy grids across shopping centers, commercial buildings, hospitals, malls or even apartment buildings nationwide. This initiative will empower each developer or building owner to possess its own power grid, while also granting them the authority to determine their own energy pricing for all businesses or occupants and tenants.

Macrogid hospitals or office buildings or shopping centers setting own energy prices.

The construction developer contact Theron Technologies and let us know what his building project consist of. Whether its a apartment building, a hospital, a shipping mall or a complex of office buildings etc. We send out engineers and look at the energy requirements. Based on these data and information, we then build an industrial macro grid generator for the entire project that takes this develpment off the grid and allows for the tenants or occupants to determine the monthly cost of electricity. This can be as little as 10% compared to the normal energy companies’ monthly charges, so tenants can save hundreds if not thousands in energy costs per year.

Benefits of a private Macro Grid

  1. If you own your own building or hospital or mall, your energy cost can be zero.
  2. Your monthly energy cost is much lower than the grid.
  3. You own your power company.
  4. You and your developer or building owner determine the price of electricity.
  5. Your energy plant is backed up by Theron Technologies’ lifetime warranty.
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