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Investors Needed

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THERON TECHNOLOGIES is urgently seeking investment capital to set up our Florida manufacturing and assembly plant. As soon as we are funded, we will secure an industrial complex to assemble these generators by setting up multiple production lines inside this factory to produce and assemble residential energy generators, commercial energy generators, to industrial energy generators as well as EV charging stations, and ship them to our customer base worldwide.

We literally have massive inquiries for our magnetically driven free perpetual energy generators, not only from States like Texas or California with all their blackouts, but a huge interest in orders from countries throughout Europe and Africa to Australia to Asia and the Middle East, just to name a few. 

Once this investment money has been secured, we can put it to work to build a showcase of generators that people are demanding to come and view in person. Our largest possible order came from the United Nations Unisef agency for 4,000 residential generators. UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child.

We are a Frontline Environmental Disruptive Technology Energy Company.

  • We don’t need tall towers that drive wind turbines that kill wildlife and don’t last too long.
  • We don’t need solar panels that can overheat a roof and catch on fire.
  • And we are not standby or backup generators, that need fossil fuels (gas or diesel) to run.
  • Our generators run on rare earth magnets that last 100 years minimum.

All environmental activists are pushing for Wind Energy or Solar Energy. The images below show the real problems these very expensive technologies bring to their clients, and now thousands of wind towers worldwide are failing, due to their sheer height and size. Or commercial customers like Walmart that spend $ millions on solar, that overheats and start fires.

Our technology is based on technology initially invented by Nichola Tesla in the 1800 and was never completed by him. Many tried to make this invention work but all have failed. Theron Technologies (our flagship company) have perfected this disruptive tech and are ready to take the world by storm with free energy.

We intend to raise this capital and set up this warehouse to start building these generators for our customers. Once the factory is up and production starts,  and then because of all the interested prospective buyers, we won’t need money from investors any longer. So now is the time to invest, because this window is closing fast.

The alternative “GREEN ENERGY” solutions are dangerous, terrible, and badly designed and engineered and should be terminated immediately, namely wind turbines and solar panels.


Since the wind farms were installed off the coast lines of New Jersey and New York and Washington DC, our Radar detection has completely been destroyed. These stupid Wind Turbines emit a wide spectrum of Radar sonic waves especially when installed as a “Wind Farm” and have completely disabled America’s ability to detect threats like the Nuclear Ballistic Russian submarines that were discovered two weeks ago (10/02/2023) parking themselves on our USA  coastlines, UNDETECTED!!! I guess the Green New Deal fanatics would rather have it their way as it relates to carbon emissions, and do not think that we might not be around after a nuclear war to enjoy their stupid green agenda.

Sulfur hexafluoride is a gas that industrial companies consider to be the perfect insulator, and while banned by many other manufacturing sectors, it is still widely used in wind turbines. It does not dissolve in the air and is 3,000% more dangerous than carbon. Sulfur hexafluoride can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), a medical emergency, with severe shortness of breath. Exposure can cause headache, confusion, dizziness, suffocation, fainting, seizures and coma. That is what’s in your wind turbines!!!


Click to enlarge

WIND TURBINES are responsible for killing all animal life. Birds, bats, whales, dolphins, fish, or any wildlife that use acoustics to navigate or communicate.

Wind turbines commonly produce broadband noise as their revolving rotor blades encounter turbulence in the passing air. This broadband noise emitted by wind turbines just happens to be in the same frequency that Whales communicate at namely 155–188 decibels in the broadband spectrum. The results of this are devastating to animals and humans alike and the evidence of this destruction is everywhere now. 

Click to enlarge to see the devastation!

Below are examples of wind turbines failing worldwide. Their motors catch on fire, they are too tall and flimsily built, and these wind farms have a life expectancy of only between 1 to 5 years. Wind turbines are so easy for lightning to hit that they’ve been captured attracting a bolt every three seconds during a storm.

SOLAR IS USELESS for permanent energy.

Below are examples of solar installations catching on fire and burning down Walmarts and other solar customers.

And in case you did not know, standard solar systems have many flaws:

  • The Solar Invertors (boxes converting DC to AC) break every year, (made out of plastic) and have to be replaced.
  • Where they affix these leg that hold the solar panels to your roof, is total destruction to your roof and it will leak and rot with rain/snow seeping thru and destroying your roof, your ceilings and creating black mold.
  • The photo voltaic panels (black) get very hot in the sun and start to burn and catch on fire.
  • And what the installers forget to tell you is that you are supposed to be cleaning the glass surfaces of these solar panels every quarter or your photo voltaic cells become useless and don’t generate energy.
  • If your invertors have an antenna on them, the solar companies pay for that cell service, and there comes a point where they refuse to pay for it any longer. Then your ability to monitor your entire solar array (installed at top dollar) becomes useless and obsolete. A garbage fake green energy toy!!!

More proof of solar being a terrible investment:

The stores all had Tesla solar panels installed by Tesla on their roofs.” Walmart is suing Tesla for breach of contract, contending that at least seven rooftop fires at the retailer’s stores between 2012 and 2018 were a result of problems with solar panels installed by the company. Aug 22, 2019


Become an Investor with us. Our NdFeB Energy generators are real and work for years without any maintenance.

Investor benefits:

Total Funding Needed $15 Billion. Why? We are building 15 Manufacturing Plants worldwide.

To buy into this investment, we will accept investors with as little as $500,000

  • THERON TECHNOLOGIES (a Wyoming company) builds or secures all generator parts, designs, and engineering, and ships them to the local dealerships for assembly/sales.
  • Since Theron Generators LLC (a Florida company), is the first licensed Dealership of the flagship company THERON TECHNOLOGIES, and we currently have no national or international dealership competition, we can literally sell generators to anyone anywhere.
    1. Our investor Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 20% on your investment. 
    2. Terms ARE negotiable! Around 1-5 years.
    3. All investors will get a portfolio of Prefered Stock Options for each dollar invested. ($1 to 1 share) to do with as you please.
    4. We will accept “Partner Shares“.
  • We are a Frontline Environmental company that maximizes all efforts to be a completely GREEN ENERGY company.
  • Investors are investing in our Wyoming company namely Theron Technologies LLC: Wyoming does not have State or Local capital gains taxes

Please note, this offer will reduce in size and scope the closer we come to reaching our funding goals.
We have limited stock options for this round.


If you are an active Investor; we would like to hear from you.

Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. Or call (561) 853-6892 anytime to talk to us directly.


Notice: You are investing in Total Green Energy here.
When Generac (NYSE: GNRC) launched its IPO at $13, that stock climbed as high as $498. Our generators are far superior to theirs because ours do NOT run on gas or diesel or natural gas like theirs. We run on magnetic energy!

That is why we are a Frontline Environmental Disruptive Technology Energy Company.

Notice: For your investment amount (see options below) you will receive a 20% ROI per year.

To talk to us directly before you decide to invest, please call (561) 853-6892 or email us at

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